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Church Updates During Covid-19:

Devotional Material for 
Hope and Encouragement:

Current Sermon:

Returning to Church:

Bowman Assembly of God will resume in-person worship services this Sunday, May 10, at 10:30 AM.  We are very excited to meet again as the body of Christ, but in light of the current situation, there are a few changes to our regular proceedings, with guidance from the North Dakota Ministry Network and North Dakota Smart Restart recommendations:


*The ushers will help with seating, families should sit together and only every other pew will be utilized.

*There will be no youth or children’s activities or Sunday School.

*Smile and wave instead of hug or shake hands.

*Hand sanitizer stations are available.

*There will be offering plates in the back of the sanctuary instead of passing the plate.

*You may wear a mask but they are not required.

*If someone in your family is ill, please stay home and watch the sermon live on Facebook (it will also be uploaded to the website after the service).

*Anyone in a high risk group or with personal concerns is encouraged to join us virtually.

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Assembly of God



PO Box 155

606 4th St SW

Bowman, ND 58623

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